Dealing with new and tough challenges

| 2 min read

As a new parent I am facing a lot of new challenging situations. The playbook to handle these is similar to what you would do as a leader:

New, challenging situations test your leadership skills. It can be a new type of on-call, your star developer has resigned, or you need to execute layoffs for the first time in your career. Your behavior stems from all the experiences you had in your life and your personality. This means if you don’t actively train yourself, then your behavior will be unpredictable.

It’s very easy to destroy your credibility in such a moment, I learned it the hard way. I recommend the following deliberate practice:

  1. In a new situation, you feel many emotions. Certain emotions manifest physically, such as fidgeting when anxious or muscle tightening when angry. Learn to identify such signs of emotions. This first step is the hardest, but 50% of the work is done if you cross it.
  2. If you feel like responding immediately, Don’t. Such a response is often just an emotional reaction and is not the best way to communicate. Take a deep breath and assess what is being said and how you want to respond.
  3. Step away from the situation to take a moment to yourself. This can also help you calm down and organize your thoughts.
  4. Writing your thoughts helps you organize the chaos in your head and express your emotions. Preferably, use a pen and paper instead of a digital alternative.
  5. Focusing on reasons that may have led to this challenging situation will not help you navigate it. Hence, focus on your action plan to navigate it.
  6. Others experiencing the same situation will also be dealing with emotions. Empathize with them and support them in dealing with the situation.

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